Our commercial lines experts have a multitude of options to protect your client’s needs.

PROGRAM DETAILS: MGA/Wholesaler providing coverage through various A rated carriers for all types of commercial risks.

COVERAGE AVAILABLE: General Liability, Property, Excess Liability, Umbrella Liability, Products Liability. 

PROGRAM DETAILS: MGA offering A-rated well known admitted carriers with each entertaining a high volume of class codes of business to offer coverage.

COVERAGE AVAILABLE: General Liability, Property, BOPs, WC, Umbrella, Auto, Garage keepers, Hired Non Owned Auto (Retail, Wholesale, Lessors Risk, Apartments, Technology, Manufacturing, Service, Office and HOA’s).

PROGRAM DETAILS:  Wholesaler offering a variety of A-Rated market opportunities throughout the P&C commercial lines industry with a focus on exposures in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. (Wholesale Opportunities: Lessors Risk, Apartments, Technology, Products/Manufacturing, Service Entities, Mixed-use Properties, Offices and HOA’s)

COVERAGE AVAILABLE: General Liability, Property, Excess Liability, Workers Compensation, Site Pollution, Product Recall

PROGRAM DETAILS:  Program administrator specializing in designing, creating and managing insurance products for condominiums, homeowners associations and golf and country clubs.

COVERAGE AVAILABLE: Property, General Liability, Crime, D&O/EPLI, Liquor Liability, Umbrella, Equipment Breakdown, Workers’ Compensation, Inland marine, Cyber liability, Environmental Impairment Liability, Difference in Conditions Wrap, Mold & Sewer Backup, Small Business, Private Flood and Excess Flood.

PROGRAM DETAILS: Wholesaler providing Nationwide availability to “A” Rated admitted and non-admitted carriers for most classes of business.  Target risks include Trade & Artisan Contractors, Auto Services, Human Services, Habitational, Lessors Risk, Manufacturing, Restaurants & Hospitality, Retail Stores and Wholesalers / Distributors.

COVERAGE AVAILABLE: General Liability, Property, Inland Marine,  Commercial Auto, Workers Compensation and Excess Liability.

PROGRAM DETAILS: Offering Primary Liability coverages nationwide with 1/2/2 limits available.

COVERAGE AVAILABLE: OL&T, Manufacturing, Hospitality (including Liquor Liability, depending on the state).

PROGRAM DETAILS: Offering Excess Liability limits up to $10,000,000 over General Liability, Auto Liability, and Employers Liability. Exclusive wholesale appointments only.

COVERAGE AVAILABLE: Targeted classes construction, and manufacturing.

Partner With Us

If you are a successful MGA or wholesale broker looking to take your business to the next level Constellation is here for you. Whether your goal is to increase profitability, bolster program growth or develop a long term succession plan, we have the turn-key solutions you need.

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